
The Smugglers Cove, Liverpool

Having had a little scroll down our PDI blog, we've just realised we never made a post about the finalised Smuggler's Cove site.

Smuggler's Cove was completed in December 2013 and, as you might have guessed, was composed with a worn and rustic, nautical theme. For those of you interested in having a meal in "The Captain's Quarters" or a drink whilst looking upon the "shipwreck trinkets" at the bar, Smuggler's Cove can be found at Albert Docks in Liverpool.

New Business Cards!!

It has been a busy week at PDI Head Quarters - Sarah and Paul have been gallivanting around London, "propping" for one of our secret sites, Harley has been on several site visits to his other secret project (coming soon so stay tuned), whilst Neil and Ritz have been working hard in the office on two other projects!!

So unfortunately, until our sites are finally revealed (watch this space), we haven't got too much we can tell you. In the meantime, however, our business cards and stickers with the new office address have finally arrived! Aren't they flashy?